Integrated Management Systems for health and safety

 Advice,Business,Consumer The structures of the health and safety management systems are similar to each other and contain the following elements, with the provision of development toward continual improvement with HSG 65 / BS 8800 and an integral component within OHSAS 18001: * Policy and policy development 

 * Organizing and an organizational development programme 

 * Planning and implementation arrangements 

 * Measuring performance arrangements 

 * Reviewing performance arrangements 

 * Auditing on a continual basis

 OHSAS 18001 Certification in Chennai guidance document virtually mirrors this model; the word planning replaces organizing, implementation and operation for planning and implementation and measuring performance is referred to as checking and corrective action. BS 8800 has been based on the HSE system HSG 65 with the inclusion of an initial status review as an additional element. Policy Commitment to the health safety and welfare will extend to all stakeholders, i.e. employees, contractors, customers, visitors and the public at large. The policy should: * have, as an integral part of a management system, a hazard identification, risk assessment and risk control procedure. 

 * have realistic objectives in line with the organizations aims 

 * be committed to achieving the legal requirements, ensure that stakeholder interests are fulfilled and workplace risks are adequately contained. 

 * include a strategy for planned performance improvement. 

 * ensure that sufficient resources are available to meet the stated aims. 

 * include a commitment to the consultation process and encourage worker participation. 

 * clearly state responsibilities and ensure unequivocal communication procedures. 

 * ensure that all interested parties are aware of the policy procedures. 

 * keep abreast of new technology, processes and procedures and update the policy accordingly. 

 * If any changes occur, the revised policy to be communicated immediately.

 Organising Organising is where in the health and safety management system that the basis for the health and safety culture is set, this can be split into the four C's (HSG 65): * Control through commitment of all employees to clear health a safety responsibilities and objectives. 

 * Co-operation through encouraging participation and involvement of employees and their representatives in planning, writing procedures, solving problems and reviewing performance. 

 * Communication of information about health and safety to employees - verbal, written, visible. 

 * Competence of all employees through recruitment, training and advisory support to ensure that they make the maximum contribution to health and safety.

 Planning and Implementation Effective planning is the key to constructive and sustained occupational health and safety success, with the ultimate goal being to prevent injury or ill health, it is therefore on this basis, that contained within the management health and safety system are procedures in place to achieve this aim. A risk control system will be the centre of an occupational health and safety system, promoting a proactive approach as opposed to reactive procedures. The management safety system will contain procedures for the ongoing identification of hazards, assessing the level of risks and the implementation of control measures to reduce the risks to an acceptable level. OHSAS 18001 Certification in Dubai Measuring Performance Monitoring is essential in order to obtain feedback on the systems and procedures that have been put into place i.e. are they effective are they being adhered to. There are two ways in which monitoring can achieve feedback: * Proactively - Checking on the effectiveness of the control measures, the safe systems of work and the management procedures that have been put into place. 

 * Reactively - Checking on systems that are part of the health and safety management system designed to record accidents, the incidence of ill health and to examine absentee figures from a health and safety perspective.

 Audit and performance reviews Top management should periodically ensure the applicability, sufficiency and effectiveness of the health and safety management systems. An effective audit will examine the health and safety policy , organization, the planning and implementation, measuring and review systems. * Interview people 

 * Review and assess additional documents 

 * Observe physical conditions and work activities

 BS 8800 which is a British Standard is not certificated, HSG 65 the system initiated by the Health and Safety Executive is not certificated whereas the guideline OHSAS 18001 is certificated. OHSAS 18001 Certification in Qatar situation does not provide for a general recognition of certification. HSG 65 and BS 8800 do not in the present form directly account for continual improvement, unlike OHSAS 18001 which does. The former could with the integration of TQM (Total Quality Management) realize the aim. OHSAS 18801 has been specifically designed for compatibility with ISO 9001-2000 and ISO 14001 with the express purpose of achieving Integrated Management Systems.

How to get OHSAS 18001 certification for Business

    Certvalue Consultant Pvt. Ltd. helps businesses all over the world implement and obtain OHSAS 18001 certification thanks to a team of highly qualified consultants and trainers with extensive industrial experience. Our consultation strategy delivers value to the client's organization's business processes while being extremely professional, efficient, and time-bound.

   OHSAS 18001 Certification in Mumbai To help your business get the most out of the OHSAS 18001 quality management system, we provide OHSAS 18001 training, implementation, consultation, gap analysis, documentation, internal audits, pre-assessment audits, certification audit through the best certification bodies, and post certification enhancement / maintenance services. In the realm of OHSAS 18001 QMS, our services are widely recognised as authoritative, benchmarks, and industry standards:


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